I make music. :O

Age 17, Male


Joined on 12/22/18

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329 / 400
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> 100,000
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Posted by KYESII - September 28th, 2023

I relsesead a song ok bye also MOTHER coming soon uuuh idk when but uuuh ill try to get it out by 10/10/23 ok cool.


Posted by KYESII - August 19th, 2023

YO!!!111 It was my birthday back in June 28th and I forgot to make a post about it :(. I havent made a song in a long time and I am sorry about that, currently I have no ideas for music and have been making really bad music for fun. I have a track that I am working on that I need to make a few changes on before I release it though. I plan to have it out maybe soon? idk.

n fgbel vf n frevrf bs zrzbevrf


Posted by KYESII - February 9th, 2023

New song out called Jovial Kingdom. Listen to it because its my NEW BEST SONG YAAAYYYYY!!!U(Y!LUH

Posted by KYESII - February 3rd, 2023

Hello, I am gonna release a new song probably in the next few days. Either tomorrow, Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday. If it’s not out by then, then you can yell at me 👍

Anyway, if you couldn’t tell I actually have ideas for new music finally. I currently have 3 songs in the works, the one I’m releasing soon, a slightly experimental song for a 2 song ep(!!) and a song using the mother 3 sound-font cause it sounds cool. Anyway, I have school tomorrow and my civic exam (yay :( ) so ima head out.

Posted by KYESII - January 2nd, 2023

go home.

actually though 2022 was pretty good, I made without a doubt my best songs. Haven't made a song in a while and idk when I will make another one, I have SEVERAL project files started that can definitely be turned into something.

Let's see what 2023 brings to the table!



Posted by KYESII - December 1st, 2022


Posted by KYESII - November 21st, 2022

I got a new pc. That's about it lol. Oh and I guess new music maybe coming idk


Posted by KYESII - August 6th, 2022

Update on covid, I already feel a lot better. Im pretty sure covid is just gone at this point. Also I am working on music again, I have this track that i started last night that I like a lot. There is also another track im working on thats DNB, I might work on that one later today. Right now, I just wanna play GD and Mario Kart 8, ive been grinding mushroom gorge time trials for a few days now, hoping to get a sub 1:10.

Anywho, thats all!


Posted by KYESII - August 3rd, 2022

I got covid oh noooooooo. Yea this sucks im not gonna write much cause I feel kinda tired and i wanna rest, so im gonna keep this short. New song isnt probably gonna release until a month (maybe). or I might take a break from music since i have like no ideas rn. anyways cya

Posted by KYESII - June 28th, 2022

Today is my brithday! For my birthday I got a new keyboard, the razer huntsman mini. even though I fucking HATE razer, they made a pretty good keyboard. I could have gotten a logitech keyboard but honestly those kinda suck :/. The 60% part of the keyboard does get in the way of FL workflow, but ill get used to it most likely; is will just take time.

Anyway, like the title of the post says; I am turned 15 today! Not gonna lie a LOT happened in 2021; and so far 2022 is a LONG year for me.

Anyway, I released a new song called Neo Highway. This is my best song BY FAR, and I also have a collab I am doing with Getsa, He has a post about the song we are making, and his music is pretty good so CHECK IT OUT!!!

Anyway thats all for now, tootles! (why did i say tootles)
