update: Sun Music is going to be extended.
Once sun music is done, its only finishing 2 tracks and mixing errors, and the album is complete. I am not going to say a release date because I have no idea when this project is going to be done, it could honestly be another year before the album comes out if I am being completely honest, I cant predict the future. Expect the album to be out this year still. I have been working very hard on Sun Music for the past 2 weeks and its honestly really difficult to get the perfect sound out of this song, so I'm going to not spend too much time on the song so I don't end up accidentally ruining it in some way.
I cannot wait to be done with this album so I can start working on my next project that will be VERY different compared to Metaphysical. (P.S, please listen to I Am a Tower by SWANS, its great!)